I coach professionals on burnout.

Why the life raft? For modern professionals, treading water through life is a larger danger than crashing and burning. Extreme burnout is rare. Low-level burnout is epidemic. For professionals, overwork is one of our society’s few respected addictions.

But overwork can come with drawbacks- burnout, health concerns, strained relationships, depression, and a lack of life purpose.

Most of us know intuitively that there is something better “out there.” That hope can keep us going but rarely do we make any progress toward finding that better place. What if that happy place was right here, as you are now? If you found it, would it make your life’s journey over? Or just beginning?

Burnout can cause us to miss the joy of life. It is like going through life with our eyes and ears covered, hoping the world will “tell us when it is over.” It will be over, and far too soon.

What if you looked at your “to-do” list as a preview of the rest of your life? What would you change? Can you go from “I have to” to “I get to”?

I can help.